GESTALTEN WANDERLUST EUROPE - Want to buy a BOOK? At The Old Man Boardsports


$49.86 USD


From the temperate climates of the Spanish islands, across the Nordic fjords to the peaks of alpine peaks, Wanderlust Europe points the reader in the direction of the continent's most awe-inspiring routes. Providing expert knowledge on how to best experience the majesty of nature, this stimulating guidebook for hikers of all abilities traverses vast expanses in search of breathtaking beauty and a sense of freedom. Combining first-hand tips with informative maps and an array of spectacular photography, this book is a welcome addition to the Wanderlust series and for anyone with an urge to connect with the great outdoors.


- Publisher & Editor: Gestalten & Alex Roddie
- Language: English
- Publication year: September 15, 2020
- Edition: Hardcover
- Size: 225 x 290mm
- Pages: 328
- ISBN: :978-3-89955-866-1

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